Interest in Reading Through the School Literacy Movement


  • Dea Apri Puspitariningsih Universitas Bhinneka PGRI Tulungagung, Indonesia
  • Alik Mustafidal Laili Universitas Bhinneka PGRI Tulungagung , Indonesia



Minat baca, Gerakan Literasi Sekolah


The purpose of this study is to describe the interest of students in reading through the School Literacy Movement (GLS) in students of grade V in SD State 3 Rejoagung. Interest in reading is a very important factor and affects the quality of education of the Indonesian nation that requires daily training to read books. Interest in reading needs to be implanted and developed from an early age. However, the literary culture of Indonesian society is still low today. The type of research used is qualitative research. The study was conducted by a group of V-class students with a total of 27 children. Data gathering techniques use lifts, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data reduction techniques, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of research and discourse, it can be concluded that the interest of reading students of class V through the School Literacy Movement (GLS) is included in the high category with a presentation of 69% referring to 3 indicators. who entered the very high category is a feeling of satisfaction with the result of 46%, the indicator entering the higher category is the concentration of attention with a result of 41%, and the indicators entering in the middle category are the use of time with 13%. In addition, students with a very high reading interest category (81% - 100%) totaled 2 students, a high category (61% - 80%) totaled 21 students, and a medium category (41% - 60%) totaled 4 students.


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How to Cite

Puspitariningsih, D. A., & Alik Mustafidal Laili. (2023). Interest in Reading Through the School Literacy Movement. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 7(3), 21725–21733.



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