The Influence of Academic Supervision of School Heads and Work Environment on Teacher Job Satisfaction


  • Winaliyah State Elementary School 4 Betung, Indonesia
  • Edi Harapan PGRI University of Palembang , Indonesia
  • Nila Kesumawati PGRI University of Palembang , Indonesia



principal academic supervision, work environment, teacher job satisfaction


This study aims to: 1. determine the effect of principal academic supervision on teacher job satisfaction; 2. knowing the work environment on teacher job satisfaction; 3. to know the effect of principal's academic supervision and work environment on teacher job satisfaction. The research method used is a quantitative method. The results of this study indicate that: 1. There is an influence between the principal's academic supervision on teacher job satisfaction; 2. There is an influence between the work environment on teacher job satisfaction; 3. There is an effect of principal academic supervision and work environment on teacher job satisfaction.



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How to Cite

Winaliyah, Harapan, E. ., & Kesumawati, N. . (2021). The Influence of Academic Supervision of School Heads and Work Environment on Teacher Job Satisfaction. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 5(1), 2536–2541.



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